8th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF 2016)
发布时间: 2016-11-17         浏览次数: 1857

The 8th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion(ISMF2016) duringDecember 16-19, 2016 in Chengdu, China.

ISMF, originally known as the Sino-American Seminar on Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer,wasinitiatedin 1984 by Academician X.J. Chen from Xi’an Jiaotong University and ProfessorT. Nejat Veziroglu from University of Miami. Since then it has seven successful conferences in 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2005, 2009 and 2012 in Xi’an,China.

ISMF2016is aimed to be a multidisciplinary forum for scientists, technologists, engineers, students and researchers from all over the world in the fields of energy, power, chemical, nuclear and petroleum engineering and industry who are dedicated to the study on multiphase flow, heat mass transfer and energy conversion.

The conference covers 13 technical topics but not limited to as follows:

lBubble and Droplet

lParticle Science and Technology

lReactive Multiphase Flow

lMicro and Nano Scale Multiphase Flow

lModeling and Numerical Methods

lExperimental Techniques and Instrumentation

lApplications of Multiphase Flow

lAlternative Energy and Renewable Energy

lHydrogen Production, Storage and Utilization

lClean Coal Technology

lMaterials for Energy Conversion

lFuel Cell

lHeat and Mass Transfer

This year’s conference is the first to be held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.The city is well-known for its local dish, hot pot and other specialties. It is also home to the world-famous Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, a conservation center where visitors can view the endangered giant pandas in a natural habitat.

It is our pleasure to invite you and your research colleagues/students to attend this conference.Please send  the extended abstract to the conference E-mail (ismf@mail.xjtu.edu.cn) before Nov. 20

For more information about the conference and the requirements for the extended abstract, please visit the conference website:http://ismf2016.xjtu.edu.cn.




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